Setting up Mobile Carrier Management

The Mobile Carrier Management tool allows you to manage and customize mobile carriers that can receive SMS notifications. Find a mobile carrier by using the Search field, or view and sort mobile carriers by status and country.

Access the Mobile Carrier Management tool

Click Mobile Carrier Management from the Admin Tools menu on the minibar.

Replace string available for carrier email formats

The system uses the following replace string (created by the system dynamically) for all carriers:

Replace string Replaced with


The mobile number of the SMS recipient.

Add a mobile carrier

  1. On the Mobile Carrier Management page, click Add Carrier.
  2. In the Create Carrier form, select a Carrier Country, enter a Carrier Name, and select a carrier Status.
  3. Enter the carrier's mail-to-SMS gateway in the Carrier Email Format field. Ensure you include the {number} replace string to represent the user's mobile number.
  4. Enter the minimum number of digits users must input when setting up a mobile contact method in the Min Digits field.
  5. Click Save.

Disable a mobile carrier

  1. On the Mobile Carrier Management page, select the check boxes for the mobile carriers you want to disable.
  2. Click Disable.

Enable a mobile carrier

  1. On the Mobile Carrier Management page, select the check boxes for the mobile carriers you want to enable.
  2. Click Enable.

Restore default carrier settings

Click the Restore Carrier Defaults icon for the carrier you want to restore, or click Restore All Defaults to restore all mobile carriers to their default status.

See also


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